
The halal food hunt in Taipei, Taiwan

Halal food hunting in a non-Muslim country is always challenging, Taiwan is no exception. You need to plan well not to get starved. This post is long overdue since I promised my friends to compile a list of halal food options, I will write up brief food reviews later :) 

Note: Some of the restaurants doesn't open all day long, they have separate opening hours for lunch and dinner. Please note the time and plan your meal time accordingly. The numbering below is not in any particular order, most of the shops have menu in English translation. Print out the addresses in Chinese too, trust me, it will be useful when you take taxi here in Taipei ;)

Halal Beef Noodles

1. 張家清真黃牛肉麵館(Chang's beef noodles shop) 

Address in Chinese: 臺北市中正區延平南路21號 
Address: No. 21, Yanping S Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100 
Phone: 02-2331 2791
Business Hours: 10:30am-8:00pm
GPS Coordinates: 25.045669, 121.510750
How to get there: MRT XiMen Station

2. 清真牛肉麵館 (Halal Beef Noodle Shop)

Address in Chinese: 臺北市中正區延平南路23號 
Address: No. 23, Yanping S Rd, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan 100 
Phone: 02 2331 8203
Business Hours: 10:30am-8:00pm
GPS Coordinates: 25.045669, 121.510750
How to get there: MRT XiMen Station Exit 5, walk about 5 minutes 

3. 清真中國牛肉館 (Halal Beef Noodle Shop) 

Address in Chinese: 臺北市大安區延吉街137巷7弄1號 
Address: No. 1, Alley 7, Lane 137, Yanji Street, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106
Phone: 02-2721 4771
Business Hours: 11:30AM - 2:30PM, 5:00PM - 9:00PM
GPS Coordinates: 25.042147, 121.554966
Nearest MRT Station: MRT Sun Yet Sen Memorial Hall Station Exit 1 (捷運國父紀念館站)

4. 清真中國牛肉麵食館 (Halal Beef Noodle Shop)

(This one is a branch of the shop #3 above, near to Taipei 101)
Address in Chinese: 新光三越信義新天地店A8 B2
Address: Shinkong Mitsukoshi Department Store, near Taipei 101, Block A8, Basement 2 Foodcourt
Phone: 02-2721-4771
Business Hours: 10:00am-9:00pm
GPS Coordinates: 25.038199, 121.566796
Nearest MRT Station: MRT City Hall Exit 3 (捷運市政府站), opposite block from H&M

*You can read my review on beef noodle shops here.

Halal Yunan-Thai Fusion restaurants

5.  清真媚力泰 (Beautiful Thai)

Address in Chinese: 台北市中和區中和路26巷3號
Address: No. 3, Lane 26, Zhonghe Rd, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City
Phone: 02-8242 3802
Business Hours: 11:30-14:00;17:00-21:00 (Close on Fridays)
GPS Coordinates: 25.00159, 121.49959
Nearest MRT Station: Not in a walking distance from MRT station, suggest you take a cab from MRT JingAn Station or NanShiJiao Station. 

6.泰旺泰式料理 (Thai Wang)

Address in Chinese: 新北市中和區南華路50號
Address: No. 50, Nanhua Rd, Zhonghe District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 235
Phone: 02-2242 6188
Business Hours: 11:30-14:00;17:00-21:00 (Friday noon off)
GPS Coordinates: 24.99689, 121.50437

Nearest MRT Station: MRT JingAn station, about 8 mins walk

7.清真泰富豪 (Yunus Halal Restaurant)

Address in Chinese: 臺北市松山區北寧路36號
Address: No. 36, Beining Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105
Phone: 02-25790528
Business Hours: 11:30-14:30, 17:00-22:00
GPS Coordinates: 25.04946, 121.55279
Nearest MRT Station: MRT Taipei Arena Exit 3 (捷運小巨蛋), 3 mins walk

8.泰鄉雲餐廳 (Halal Bismilla Restaurant)

Address in Chinses: 臺北市松山區北寧路40號1樓(近臺北小巨蛋)
Address: No. 40, Beining Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105
Phone: 02-25779271
Business Hours: 11:30-14:30, 17:00-22:00
GPS Coordinates: 25.04971, 121.55278
Nearest MRT Station: MRT Taipei Arena Exit 3 (捷運小巨蛋), 3 mins walk

Indian/Middle Eastern/Chinese Fusion

9.  昆明園 (Kunming Islamic Restaurant)

Address in Chinese: 台北市松山區復興北路81巷26號
Address: No. 26, Lane 81, Fuxing N Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105
Phone: 02 2751 6776
Business Hours: Mon-Fri 11:30-14:00, 17:00-21:30 (Saturday and Sunday: only open in evening 17:00-21:30)
GPS Coordinates: 25.05114, 121.5453
Nearest MRT Station: MRT NanJing FuXing Station (捷運南京復興站), 5 mins walk

North Western Chinese Cuisines

10. 回館 回回私家菜 (Hui Guan Chinese Muslim Cuisines)

Address in Chinese: 台北市松山區八德路三段12巷51弄9號
Address: No. 9, Alley 51, Lane 12, Section 3, Bade Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105
Phone: 02-25779851
Business Hours: 11:30~14:00, 17:30~22:00(Close on Monday)
GPS Coordinates: 25.04624, 121.55113
Nearest MRT Station:  MRT ZhongXiao DunHua Exit 1 (捷運忠孝敦化), 10 mins walk

Turkish Restaurant

11. 番紅花城土耳其餐廳 (Safranbolu Turkish Restaurant)

Address in Chinese: 台北市中山區南京東路二段60號
Address: No. 60, Section 2, Nanjing E Rd, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 104
Business Hours: 10:00am-10:00pm
Phone: 02-25222939
GPS Coordinates: 25.05172, 121.52995
Nearest MRT Station: MRT SongJian NanJing (捷運松江南京站) exit 1, 5 mins walk

Indian Restaurants

12. 阿里巴巴的廚房 (Ali Ba Ba Kitchen)

Address in Chinese: 台北市中山區南京東路二段56號2樓 
Address: No. 56, Section 2, Nanjing E Rd, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 104 
Phone: 02-2567 7163
Business Hours: 11:30am–3:00pm, 5:30pm–10:30pm
GPS Coordinates: 25.05188, 121.52984
Nearest MRT Station: MRT SongJian NanJing (捷運松江南京站) exit 1, 5 mins walk

13. 阿拉丁的廚房 (Aladdin Indian Kitchen) 
Address in Chinese: 台北市松山區饒河街101號1樓 
Address: No. 101, Raohe St, Songshan District (Inside RaoHe Night Market)
Phone: (02)2765-9991
Business Hours: 5:30pm to midnight
GPS Coordinates: 25.05034, 121.57335
Nearest MRT Station: MRT SongShan Station (捷運松山站),walk towards RaoHe Night Market

14. 饗印印度料理(Khana Khazana Indian Restaurant )

Address in Chinese: 台北市信義區基隆路一段366號
Address: No. 366, Section: 1, Keelung Road, XinYi District, Taipei
Website: www.khanakhazana.com.tw
Phone: 02-8786 9366
Business Hours: 11:00AM - 2:30PM, 5:00PM - 10:30PM
GPS Coordinates: 25.03536, 121.56074
Nearest MRT Station: MRT Taipei 101/Word Trade Centre (台北101/世貿), 10 mins walk [Across the road from Grand Hyatt Taipei]

15. Taj Indian Restaurant
Address in Chinese: 台北市大安區市民大道四段48巷1號 (市民大道與大安路口)
Address: No. 1, Lane 48, Sec.4, Civic Blvd., Daan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 
Business Hour:  12:00noon-14:30,  17:30-22:00
Phone: 02-8773 0175
GPS Coordinates: 25.04474, 121.54589
Nearest MRT Station: MRT ZhongXiao FuXing Station (捷運忠孝復興),7 mins walk

Moroccan Cuisine

16. 塔吉摩洛哥料理 (Tajin Moroccan Cuisine)

Address in Chinese: 台北市大安區基隆路二段144巷3號
Address: No. 3, Lane 144, Section 2, Keelung Rd, Da’an District, Taipei City
Phone: 02-2732-7296
GPS Coordinates: 25.02827, 121.55626
Business Hours: 11:30-14:30, 18:00-21:00 (Close on Monday)
Nearest MRT Station: MRT LiuZhangLi Station (捷運六張犁),about 10 mins walk

Fried Chicken 

These two shops recently acquired Halal status in 2017 May, news source 

17. 炸鷄大獅,公館店 (Fried Chicken Master, Gongguan branch) 
Address in Chinese: 台北市中正區汀州路三段158號 
Address: No. 158, Section 3, Tingzhou Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei 
Phone: +886 2 2368 2551 
Business Hours: 1:00pm-10:00pm 
GPS Coordinates: 25.0135443,121.53415 
How to get there: MRT Gongguan Station Exit 1, walk few mins 

18. 炸鷄大獅,南港店 (Fried Chicken Master, Nangang branch) 
Address: 台北市南港區經貿二路1號 
Address: No. 1, Jingmao 2nd Road, Nangang District, Taipei 
Phone: +886 2 7746 2978 Business Hours: 7:00am-4:30pm 
GPS Coordinates: 25.0561342,121.6154006 
How to get there: MRT Nangang Station Exit 1 (Just outside of Nangang Exhibition Hall 1)

===== * Insider tip: If you happened to be at Taipei Grand Mosque for Jummah prayer, there are food stalls inside the mosque compound where you can purchase a variety of food and snacks before and after prayer. 

My On-going Google Map Project:

Other Info

Some Chinese Vocab to sound like a pro in food hunting
  • 清真 (Qing Zhen) - Halal
  • 素 (su) - Vegetarian
  • 全素(Quan Su) - Vegan
It will be kind of a waste if you didn't get to enjoy street food from Taiwan night markets because there are no Halal Vendors. I will share about Muslim-Friendly street food hunting guide in the next post. ;-)

Taipei: where to go and what to eat?

Hello 2016! One of my new year resolutions is to get back to blogging. I am sort of on a working-holiday mode, have been living in Taipei for about a year. I currently worked from home, and spent most of my free time exploring Taipei. I would like to share about the Taipei I got to know, let me start off with a master list and i will update the article link back here every time I have updated. Please stay tuned =)

Taipei skyline from the Elephant Mountain

Where to go:
1. YangMingShan National Park
2. Beitou: Thermal Valley, Plum Garden, Beitou Public Library, Beitou Hotspring Museum
3. TamShui Waterfront, Fisherman Wharf and Bali District
4. Bitan Lake Scenic Area
5. Chang Kai Shek Memorial Hall
6. Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall
7. XiangShan (Elephant Mountain) Hiking Trail
8. Taipei Zoo and MaoKong Gandola
9. Window on China Theme Park
10. Taipei 101 Observatory Deck
11. SiSi Nan Chun (四四南村)
12. Taipei Treasure Hill Artist village
13. Keelung: Yehliu GeoPark
14. Keelung: Heping Island Park
15. Keelung: Badouzi Fishing Harbour and WangYou Valley
16. JiuFen, Golden Waterfall and Jinguashi Gold Museum, YingYang Sea and abandoned mining plant 
17. ShiFen oldstreet and waterfall

Feb Taipei Lantern Festival
Feb-March TianYuan Temple Cherry Blossom
March-May Taipei Awanda - Red Maple leaves season
Feb-May YangMingShan Calla Lily Farm
June Computex Taipei 2015
November Taipei Chrysanthemum Festival

1. XiMenDing Shopping District
2. WuFenPu Clothes Wholesale Market
3. Night Markets
4. Taipei Eastern shopping District (台北東區)
5. Taipei Underground Mall (MRT: Taipei Main Station)

Where to eat (Halal):
Link to Taipei Halal/Vegetarian restaurants  maps that I have compiled: 

I will try to update the map soon, to be in both English and Chinese. I have a plan to share how to find Muslim-friendly food in Taipei too.

Yet to explore around Nothern Taiwan:
- BoPiLiao old street
- Taipei Miniature Museum
- National Palace Museum
- Lin Family Mansion and Garden
- Houtong cat village 猴硐貓村
- Bitou Cape 鼻頭角
- Nanya Peculiar Stone 南雅奇石
- Teapot mountain 茶壺山
- Thousand island lake 新北石碇 千島湖
*to be updated